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Pastoral System

In Year 7 students embark on their first year of five at The Heath School. The students are taken on a carefully structured induction and transition programme that begins in year 6 and supports them in what is an exciting and successful stage in their young lives. The Heath School KIT (Kindness, Integrity, and Tenacity) frame what it means to be a Heath student and form the basis of the pastoral care and support students receive.

We aim to develop students who are considerate, honest, polite and helpful. It is essential that all students at The Heath feel valued and safe. That they aspire, grow in confidence, are respectful, think of others and achieve their potential. Pastoral care is an integral part of the guidance of students and this begins with the support of the Form Tutor.

All year groups are divided into mixed ability form tutor groups. These forms meet daily with their Form Tutor who has specific responsibility for giving care, guidance and support. Form Tutors have detailed knowledge of students, tracking both the academic and personal development of their tutees. Where possible the same Form Tutor should stay with their tutor group during their time at the Heath School. Once a week there is a morning assembly for each year group and a house assembly that takes place once a half term.

The tutor groups are also taught PSHE once a fortnight by their Form Tutor. Personal development is underpinned by the PSHE curriculum where lessons are centred around three core themes of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. Within these themes students are taught key personal development topics such as British values, democracy, equal opportunity, character education, risk, e-safety, sex and drugs education, CEIAG, the importance of a healthy diet and exercise. The school also has a relationships and sex education (RSE) policy and programme in place which is delivered by form tutors and complemented by professionals and other staff in PSHE lessons and Learn for Life days.

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development for students is also supported across both PSHE and subject lessons through programmes of study designed to give students opportunities to reflect on subject matters, recognise differences, use social skills and show an appreciation for cultural differences not just in the school but in the wider community and world.

The form tutor team is led by the Progress Co-ordinator (PC) and Assistant Progress Co-ordinator (APC). The main aim of the pastoral team is to ensure that all students reach their full potential at The Heath School by giving the necessary care and support.

Meet the Pastoral Leadership Team:

Year 7: Miss S Camborne-Paynter and Mr I Bennett

Year 8: Mr R Jenkins and Mrs F O'Leary

Year 9: Mrs R Ward and Miss C McGough

Year 10: Miss E Slater and Mrs L Hall

Year 11: Miss R Tansey and Mr K Swindlehurst